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lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014


Is an important road taht travel the historical center of the city of Bogota, also known only like: Avenida Jimenez, it is located between "calle 26" and "calle 13" with "carrera 10". It has a length of 2,8 kilometers from the cabel car station of Monserrate. Actually, The Jimenez de Quesada Avenue also establish a limit between the locations of  "La Candelaria" and  " Santa fe ".  The San Francisco
river supplied water to all the city and was very important, in there, the municipal acueduct was establish, some small bridges now are in the San Francisco river and some public buildings were constructed, such as:

  • Administración de tabaco, XVII
  • Colegio de San Buenaventura 1719
  • Batallón de Voluntarios de Guardias Nacionales, 1809
  • Batallón de Húsares, 1825
  • Cárcel de detenidos, 1861
  • Primer palacio de gobierno del departamento, 1861
  • Oficina de correos y teléfonos, 1888


During the 1930 decade it was decided to funnel San Francisco River and extend the avenue, by this important road circulate cars of all types, but inthe year 2002 only the sistem of "Transmilenio" can drive along, with the service of their stations:

  1. Las Aguas
  2. Museo del Oro
  3. Jimenez Avenue 


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